Akita Dog Breed Quiz


Which of the following is an Akita?

Correct! Wrong!

1. Shiba Inu / 2. Akita Inu

Autoimmune Hypothyroiditis is a health concern more common in Akita's then many other breeds.

Correct! Wrong!

This disease occurs when the immune system attacks the thyroid gland and is more common in the Akita, Doberman Pinscher, Beagle, and Golden Retriever. - AKC

Ownership of an Akita is banned in the U.K.

Correct! Wrong!

There are four breeds banned by the Dangerous Dogs Act in the UK. They are – Pit Bull Terrier – Japanese Tosa – Dogo Argentino – Fila Brasileiro.-bbc.com

Helen Keller is credited with bringing the first Akita into the United States.

Correct! Wrong!

Helen Keller is credited with bringing the first Akita named Kamikaze-go into the United States in 1937-akitaclub.org


According to the American Kennel Club-the American Akita and the Japanese Akita are considered the same breed.

Correct! Wrong!

As of 2020, the American Kennel Club, now consider American and Japanese Akitas to be two separate breeds.-AKC

Akita's are known for being VERY sensitive to certain anesthesia drugs.

Correct! Wrong!

Akitas are sensitive to many drugs, especially those used for anesthesia. Remind your veterinarian each time a drug is prescribed for your Akita and prior to any surgical procedure. These adverse reactions are often fatal.-http://akitarescue.com/disease%20and%20disorders

The American Akita comes from a genetic line which is considered the more favorable Akita lineage.

Correct! Wrong!

the American Akita comes from a separate Dewa Line (LESS favored lineage in Japan). The Japanese Akita is of the Ichinoseki Line-animalso.com/breeds/akita-inu/

The Akita breed originated in Northern China.

Correct! Wrong!

The Akita is a Japanese breed. The Akita is one of Seven Breeds designated as a National Monument in his native country of Japan-akitaclub.org


Studies have shown the Akita to be high in dog-related aggression behavior.

Correct! Wrong!

More than 20% of Akitas, Jack Russell Terriers and Pit Bull Terriers were reported as displaying serious aggression toward unfamiliar dogs-sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0168159108001147

Akitas tend to be meticulous self-groomers-they are very clean dogs.

Correct! Wrong!

Akitas are often compared to cats due to their independent, calm nature and inclination towards cleanliness-animalso.com/breeds/akita-inu/

Akita Dog Breed Quiz
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