I am the kind of person who is fun to be around because I can always make people laugh and look at things from a different perspective. Rate yourself below.

I can forgive people easily, people are not perfect. Everybody deserves a second chance. Rate yourself below.

I am not better than anyone else-but nobody else is better than me. I consider everyone equal. Rate yourself below.

I am the kind of person that knows what to say to someone, even when everything in their lives seems to be going wrong. Rate yourself below.

I can make everyone feel comfortable, I can laugh and smile with anyone, even strangers. Rate yourself below.

I am comfortable with admitting my mistakes and saying "I am sorry". I don't bame other people. Rate yourself below.

I am an optimistic person who expects good things will happen. I stay clear of complaining and gossiping. Rate yourself below.

I don't have to be right all of the time and I don't need to have the last word in every conversation. Rate yourself below.

I don't always have to be in charge. I can be a good teacher and, when I do not know something, I can also be a good learner. Rate yourself below.

I am confident in my abilities but I do not brag or boast about myself, I would rather talk about others. Rate yourself below.

Are You Fun to Be Around?
You tend to be a Downer...
Hey there, Debbie Downer! It seems like you might not be aware that people are running for the hills when you show up. Maybe you're not too comfortable in your own skin? So, how about you start sprinkling compliments like confetti and show a little patience. Give folks a chance to see your awesomeness, despite the fact that you're not perfect (but don't worry, neither is anyone else). So chin up, buttercup, and let's see that smile!
Not bad-you can be fun but it can be better!
Seems like you have your strong points and, most of time, people are comfortable around you. Most people fall within this range. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. If you can identify some of your weak points-they can be improved. After all, a big part of life is growing, improving and trying to get better! Take one day at a time and always try to move forward.
You are a Positive-Fun person to be around!
From your answers, you are one of the lucky people that can make people around you feel comfortable without even thinking about it! You have a natural ability to be helpful, complimentary and not get caught up in negative thoughts and complaining. Your confident, well rounded personality is a true asset.