Belgian Malinois Dog Breed Quiz


Belgian Malinois puppies are generally born all black in color. Their coat color changes within 6-8 weeks after birth.

Correct! Wrong!

Which of the following is a Belgian Malinois?

Correct! Wrong!

1. Belgian Malinois / 2. Belgian Tervuren

The Malinois is generally a healthy breed, but like all breeds, they do suffer from certain health issues. Which of the following is NOT known as one of the more common health concerns of the breed?

Correct! Wrong!

Inherited epilepsy is the most frightening health problem in Belgian Shepherds. Epilepsy occurs in all four varieties, but is especially common in Tervurens, with up to 17% of the breed affected.
Elbow dysplasia is also most common in the Malinois, with 10% affected.
Eye diseases affect about 15% of Belgian Shepherds. Most common is cataracts, which appear in adult dogs.

The Belgian Malinois is generally a high-energy, intense and intelligent dog. It is not a breed recommended for first time dog owners.

Correct! Wrong!

An owner who gets the most out of his or her Malinois is usually one who has had some previous experience of dog ownership and dog training. Even so, many new owners are not prepared for the high degree of intensity in this dog’s personality.


According the the AKC, if two short coated Belgian Malinois are mated and produce a long-coated puppy, that puppy will be considered a different breed.

Correct! Wrong!

According the the AKC if two Malinois are bred together and produce a long haired puppy-that puppy will be considered a Belgian Tervuren-NOT a Malinois! The AKC says Malinois and Tervs are two different breeds.

Out of 100 dog breeds, data has shown the Malinois is the MOST active dog breed in America.

Correct! Wrong!

Whistle-company that specializes in GPS and activity tracking dog collars-analyzed data of roughly 150 thousand smart collars and found that walking a dog three times a day accounts for just 34 minutes per day. However, the average Belgian Malinois stays active for 103 minutes per day!

According to the AKC, the rare, white Belgian Malinois meets breed standard for coat color.

Correct! Wrong!

The tips of toes may be white, and a small white spot on the breastbone is permitted, not to extend to the neck. White markings, except as noted, are faulted. Any color or color combination not described in the standard should be disqualified. AKC Breed Standard

Belgian Malinois and German Shepherds are similar in appearance. The Malinois is generally larger and bigger boned than the GSD.

Correct! Wrong!

The German Shepherd is generally larger than the Malinois-
Malinois HEIGHT 24-26 inches (male)/22-24 inches (female)
Malinois WEIGHT 60-80 pounds (male) /40-60 pounds (female)
GSD HEIGHT 24-26 inches (male) / 22-24 inches (female)
GSD WEIGHT 65-90 pounds (male) / 50-70 pounds (female)


When the Malinois first came the the United States, it was known as the Schutzhund.

Correct! Wrong!

Schutzhund training is a dog sport that was developed in Germany in the early 1900s as a breed suitability test for the German Shepherd Dog. Belgian Malinois excel in this sport which includes Tracking, Obedience and Protection.

Which of the following is NOT one four breeds of Belgian sheepdogs.

Correct! Wrong!

Belgian Malinois Dog Breed Quiz
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