Dispite their strong appearance, the Cane Corso does not make the best guard dog.

Most CANE CORSOs have some inclination to act aggressively to repel intruders on their territory (i.e., your home) and to counteract assaults upon their pack mates (you and your family)-www.canecorso.org/is-the-cane-corso-right-for-me.html
Which of the following is a Cane Corso?

1. Presa Canario / 2. Cane Corso
According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, ear cropping has been proven to prevent ear infections.

The AVMA concludes that it CANNOT be assumed that ear cropping has a medical purpose-one of the dog breeds most predisposed to ear infections is the German Shepherd, which ironically, is equipped with erect ears-American Veterinary Medical Association
Idiopathic epilepsy is a health concern in some Cani Corsi. It has been proven to be an inherited genetic condition.

While this is a health concern-there are NO genes identified in Cane Corsos to indicate that epilepsy is a definitively inherited condition-phoghavencanecorso.com/health-concerns
According to AKC breed standard-tan colored markings ARE acceptable on a Cane Corso.

Disqualification - Any color with tan pattern markings as seen in black-and-tan breeds. - AKC Breed Standard
Similar to other Mastiff breeds, Cani Corsi are susceptible eye problems.

Just like its mastiff cousins, the Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff) breed battles with common eye problems. The most common eye problems are glandular hypertrophy [cherry eye], entropion and ectropion-mastiffmotif.com/health/cane-corso-eye-problems/
PURE BRED Cane Corso puppies can be born with a dilute liver coat color called isabella fawn and a yellow-cream color called straw.

The rare colors are uncommon because they are produced by recessive genes. They are traits that lay hidden in dogs and occasionally when two purebred Cane Corsos are bred together, puppies can be born of non-standard colors or markings-canecorso.org/rare-colors-in-the-cane-corso.html
The Name Cane Corso originates from a Latin word that means Bodyguard.

The Cane Corso is good natured dog with an easy going temperament.

The CANE CORSO as a breed tends to be of a socially dominant personality. You really cannot afford to let a Cane Corso become your boss - www.canecorso.org/is-the-cane-corso-right-for-me.html
The Cane Corso originated in Germany.

The Cane Corso is an Italian breed- AKC