Difficult Random Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers Quiz


The world’s first television commercial aired on July 1, 1941, before the beginning of a baseball game in New York between the Brooklyn Dodgers and Philadelphia Phillies. It was only 10 seconds long. What was the advertisement for?

Correct! Wrong!

What is the name of the Malaysian national currency?

Correct! Wrong!

The island of Saipan is a commonwealth of which country?

Correct! Wrong!

In 1952, Albert Einstein was offered but declined the presidency of which country?

Correct! Wrong!


Which country was the first to print paper money?

Correct! Wrong!

On November 30, 1954, Ann Hodges from Talladega County, Alabama became the first woman in history to

Correct! Wrong!

How many moons does the planet Venus have?

Correct! Wrong!

Which U.S. WW2 General competed in the pentathlon in the 1912 Stockholm Olympics?

Correct! Wrong!

Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated by well-known stage actor John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865 at Ford's Theatre in Washington, D.C. What was the name of the play Lincoln was watching when he was shot?

Correct! Wrong!

On August 27, 1859 the first oil well was drilled in the United States. Which state was the well drilled in?

Correct! Wrong!

Opened in 1905 in New York City, this has been acknowledged by the Pizza Hall of Fame as the first pizzeria in the United States.

Correct! Wrong!

On March 1, 1872, President Ulysses S. Grant created the worlds first national park. What was the name of the park?

Correct! Wrong!

Difficult Random Trivia Quiz Questions and Answers Quiz
Low Score LEADER! Sorry, but that's pretty bad...

About 50%-not a bad job-this is pretty difficult!

Great Job! You got most of them and this is TOUGH!

TOP SCORE! If you knew all of this without help from Google-you are a Trivia MASTER!

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