The human eye can fully recover from a scratched cornea.

While a scratched cornea can cause temporary discomfort, the cornea has a very good ability to heal itself and a scratched cornea will typically heal within a few days to a week without any permanent damage.
The human eye can focus on objects at different distances thanks to the ciliary muscle.

The ciliary muscle is a ring-shaped muscle located in the eye that changes the shape of the lens, allowing the eye to focus on objects at different distances.
The human eye can adjust to bright light quickly.

The human eye has a mechanism called the "pupillary light reflex" that allows it to quickly adjust to changes in light levels by constricting or dilating the pupils.
The human eye can see in complete darkness.

The human eye requires some level of light in order to see, and in complete darkness the eye cannot detect any light and thus cannot see.
The retina of the eye is responsible for detecting color.

The retina of the eye contains specialized cells called rods and cones that are responsible for detecting light and color, respectively.
The iris of the eye controls the amount of light that enters the eye.

The iris is the colored part of the eye that surrounds the pupil, and it controls the amount of light that enters the eye by adjusting the size of the pupil.
The human eye can see ultraviolet light.

The human eye cannot see ultraviolet light, as the cornea and lens of the eye block most ultraviolet light from entering the eye.
The human eye can detect all wavelengths of light.

The human eye can only detect a limited range of wavelengths of light, which is what we perceive as the visible spectrum.
The macula is the part of the eye responsible for sharp central vision.

The macula is a small, sensitive area in the center of the retina that is responsible for sharp central vision and color perception.
Under normal conditions, the human eye can see infrared light.

The human eye can only detect visible light, not infrared.
The human eye has only one lens.

The human eye has two lenses, the cornea and the crystalline lens.
The human eye has a built-in mechanism for cleaning itself.

The human eye has a tear duct that produces tears which act as a natural cleaning and lubrication for the eye.