How Big is A Leonberger?


Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Doberman Pinscher?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds-Doberman 100 pounds.

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Newfoundland?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds-Newfoundland 150 pounds.

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Rottweiler?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds-Rottweiler 135 pounds.

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Great Dane?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a top weight of 170 pounds-Great Dane 175 pounds.


Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Bernese Mountain Dog?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a top weight of 170 pounds-Bernese Mountain Dog 115 pounds.

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Great Pyrenees?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds-Great Pyrenees 165 pounds.

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Dogue De Bourdeaux?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds- Dogue de Bourdeaux 110 Pounds (FCI)

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Akita?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds - Akita 130 pounds.


Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or St. Bernard?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a top weight of 170 pounds-St. Bernard 180 pounds.

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Bullmastiff?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a top weight of 170 pounds-Bullmastiff 130 pounds.

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Boerboel/South African Mastiff

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds-Boerboel 200 pounds

Which breed weighs more-Leonberger or Irish Wolfhound?

Correct! Wrong!

According to the AKC-The Leonberger has a TOP weight of 170 pounds-Irish Wolfhound 120 pounds.

How Big is A Leonberger?
Sorry-but that's pretty bad...

About 50% Correct-You can do BETTER!

Nice Job-You got MOST of them!


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