The song "Black Dog" by Led Zeppelin was named for a black Lab that came wondering into the studio when the song was being recorded.

The AKC breed standard colors for a Lab are Yellow, Chocolate, Black and Silver.

The Labrador Retriever coat colors are black, yellow and chocolate. Any other color or a combination of colors is a disqualification. A small white spot on the chest is permissible, but not desirable-AKC Breed Standard
The first dog ever to appear on the cover of Life magazine was a Lab.

In 1938, the first dog ever to appear on the cover of Life magazine was a Lab named “Blind of Arden.”
The St. John’s Water Dog is considered the ancestor of all modern Retriever breeds.

The St. John’s Dog was the ancestor of the modern retrievers, including the Flat-Coated Retriever, Curly-Coated Retriever, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, the Golden Retriever, and the Labrador Retriever, plus the
Studies have shown that Labs have a genetic susceptibility to developing Mast cell tumors (MCTs).

Labrador Retrievers are one of several breeds at increased risk for MCTs. The tumors usually develop in dogs 8 to 9 years old – both male and female – but also have been reported in very young dogs. Labrador Retrievers’ susceptibility likely is genetic -
The Labrador Retriever dog breed was developed in Newfoundland.

The Labrador Retriever breed was developed in Great Britain. It could be said it is an English breed-The Labrador Retriever Club
Labrador Retrievers have a demonstrated incidence of obesity that is higher than any other breed, as well as higher levels of food motivation than other dog breeds.

researchers discovered that a specific mutation of the POMC gene in Labrador Retrievers was associated with increased body weight, increased body fat, and increased food motivation-At this time, there is no specific treatment available for the POMC gene
The AKC recognizes two different breeds of Labrador Retrievers-the English Lab and the American Lab.

The AKC recognizes ONE breed of Lab. English Labs aren’t really just from England. That simply means they have the right body type to be show dogs. American Labs aren’t just from America either. That simply means that they have the right body type to be working dogs and wouldn’t be much good in the show
Lab parents BOTH with the SAME coat color can only produce a litter of puppies with THAT coat color. For example-two yellow Lab parents can only produce a litter of yellow Lab puppies.

Because of the genetic makeup of the Labrador breed it really doesn’t matter what the color of the parents are. Puppies in the same litter can be Black, Chocolate or
Which of the dogs below is a Labrador Retriever?

1. Labrador Retriever / 2. Flat Coated Retriever