Cerebellar Abiotrophy, a condition that causes a progressive loss of muscular coordination is a genetic condition that appears in some OES.

research shows that the defective gene for CA had to be imported into the United States through several English imports. These imported dogs also appear behind the majority of Old English Sheepdog breeding stock- oldenglishsheepdogclubofamerica.org
Old English Sheepdogs are/were sometimes known as Bobs or Bobtails because of their traditionally docked tails.

Another common name for the Old English Sheepdog is the Bobtail - AKC
Which of the following is an Old English Sheepdog?

1. Bearded Collie / 2. Old English Sheepdog
The Old English Sheepdog has a distinctive high pitched bark that makes them sound like a much smaller dog.

The Old English Sheepdog also has a deep trademark bark that resonates with a "pot-casse" ring -- very much like two pots clanging together - petmd.com
According to the AKC breed standard, any shade of grey, grizzle, blue or fawn with or without white markings is acceptable for coat color.

ANY shade of brown or fawn to be considered distinctly objectionable and not to be encouraged. - AKC Breed Standard
Some Old English Sheepdogs carry the MDR1 gene which makes them highly sensitive to certain common veterinary drugs such as Ivermectin (found in many heartworm medications).

Dogs with the mutant gene cannot pump some drugs out of the brain as a normal dog would, which may result in abnormal neurologic signs. The result may be an illness requiring an extended hospital stay - or even death.- oldenglishsheepdogclubofamerica.org
A mutation in the DMN1 gene is responsible for a condition that causes a dog to collapse after strenuous exercise. This is known as Exercise Induced Collapse and has been identified in the OES breed.

University of Minnesota identified a mutation in the DMN1 gene that was highly associated with EIC in Labrador Retrievers. Further research confirmed that this same mutation is present in other breeds experiencing EIC, including OES - oldenglishsheepdogclubofamerica.org
The Old English Sheepdog was used to develop other breeds such as the Bearded Collie and the Russian Owtchar.

the OPPOSITE is true-the Scottish Bearded Collie had a large part in making the OES; while others claim the Russian Owtchar as one of the progenitors of the Old English Sheepdog -oldenglishsheepdogclubofamerica.org
According to the AKC, the Old English Sheepdog is a hypoallergenic dog breed.

The OES is NOT of the AKC list of Hypoallergenic Dogs.
According to the AKC, the OES comes in two recognized sizes-standard and mini.

There is only one official size of OES
22 inches & up (male)
21 inches & up (female)
Weight: 60-100 pounds