Random Animal Facts Trivia Quiz


All shrimp are born male but some slowly grow into females as they mature.

Correct! Wrong!

A crocodile can stick out it's tongue the same length as its tail.

Correct! Wrong!

Corcodiles CANNOT stick out their tongues. A crocodile's tongue doesn't move. It is held in place at the roof of the mouth by a membrane. Because crocodiles spend so much time underwater, the tongue helps keep the throat closed, protecting the animal's airway. - animals.mom.com/size-crocodiles-teeth-8551.html

Which animal has the most taste buds?

Correct! Wrong!

Catfish (order Siluriformes), those beady-eyed fish named for their feline-like whiskers, typically have more than 100,000 taste buds. Some large catfish can have as many as 175,000. - livescience.com/32970-what-animal-has-the-best-sense-of-taste.html

Iguanas, koalas and Komodo dragons all have two penises.

Correct! Wrong!

this is known as a hemipenes and is a trait of of male squamates (scaled reptiles e.g. snakes, lizards)-omgfactcheck.tumblr.com/post/369961578/iguanas-koalas-and-komodo-dragons-all-have-two


The European Wels catfish in France can lunge out of the water and hunt pigeons with a 28% success rate.

Correct! Wrong!

If you shave the striped fur off of a tiger, the skin underneath will be striped the same way.

Correct! Wrong!

most of the cat species have stripes on their fur as well as on their skin. It is actually true that similar to human fingerprints, the unique pattern of stripes on Tigers acts like their identity. Even if you shave off the fur of Tigers or house cats, you would still see the stripes. - ranthamborenationalpark.com/blog/amazing-facts-about-tigers/

Dolphins sleep with both eyes open.

Correct! Wrong!

Dolphins do sleep with ONE eye open, a skill that is necessary for survival. When dolphins sleep, only half of their brains shut down, which enables them to remain vigilant to the threat of predators and to regulate their breathing to avoid drowning. - reference.com/pets-animals/dolphins-sleep-one-eye-open-7346beda487195e8

Turkeys can reproduce without having sex.

Correct! Wrong!

Parthenogenesis — reproduction without benefit of sex —does happen in turkeys-with the virgin birth rate in some breeds approaching 40 percent.-straightdope.com/21342495/can-turkeys-reproduce-without-benefit-of-sex


The placement of a donkey's eyes in its head enables it to see all four feet at all times.

Correct! Wrong!

Rat poison is so effective because rats can't vomit or burp.

Correct! Wrong!

Rats have a powerful barrier between the stomach and the esophagus and don't have the complex neural connections that are required to vomit.-ratbehavior.org/vomit.htm

Humans are the only primates that can have blue eyes.

Correct! Wrong!

Blue-eyed-black lemurs are the only primate other than humans to have blue eyes. - sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/daubentoniidae

Anteaters only have teeth on the sides of their mouths shaped like flat stones to crush insects.

Correct! Wrong!

The anteater does not have any teeth. It does not require teeth to eat due to its large tongue that can extend over 2 feet (60 cm) away to gather insects to swallow whole. - allthingsnature.org/does-an-anteater-have-any-teeth.htm

Random Animal Facts Trivia Quiz
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