All pure bred Border Collies alive today can trace an ancestral link back to ONE dog.

Old Hemp, a tri-color dog, was born September 1893 and died May 1901-All pure Border Collies alive today can trace an ancestral line back to Old Hemp. - source:
Early Adult Onset Deafness (EAOD) in the Border Collie is a genetic condition that is a growing concern to BC breeders and owners.

Many unilateral (one ear) dogs have been bred over and over again, passing along the genes to their offspring and perpetuating the defect. Two tested-normal parents can still be carriers and produce an entirely bilaterally (both ears) deaf litter. - source:
Border Collies are generally a healthy breed but they do have some genetic health problems. Two of these are Epilepsy and Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA). Which occurs at a higher rate in this breed?

According to Research on Genetically Linked Diseases in Border Collies these are the top three: Collie Eye Anomaly (CEA) <2.5% --- Epilepsy <5% --- Hip Dysplasia <11%
Chaser was a Border Collie that is often called the “smartest dog in the world”. She is said to have known over 1,000 different words!

Chaser enjoyed the attention of scientists, led by her owner and trainer, retired psychology professor John Pilley. Chaser responded correctly to identifying a noun as an object 95% of the time. Not only was Chaser able to pick out the correct toy out of over 1,000 every time, she was able to identify toys she's never seen by process of elimination - all based on verbal commands. source:
The Border Collie got it’s name because is was widely used on the border of Scotland and England.

Which image below shows a Border Collie?

1. Australian Shepherd / 2. Border Collie - it's all in the EARS!
The Australian Shepherd Dog and the Border Collie were considered the same dog breed at one time.

The are and have been two separate breeds.
According to psychologist Stanley Coren, in his book “The Intelligence of Dogs” the Border Collie is the second most intelligent dog in the world.

According to the book-the Border is considered the #1 most intelligent dog in the world and can learn a new command in under five repetitions and follow it at least 95% of the time.
Border Collies carry the gene for Heterochromia. This means they can have different color eyes.

Border Collie Collapse is a form of exercise intolerance in Border collies and several other dog breeds. Research has shown that effected dogs have abnormal heart and respiratory function.

studies have shown that dogs with BCC have normal cardiac function and normal metabolic testing before exercise and during collapse as well as normal muscle biopsies-the actual cause of BCC is not known- source:
According to the AKC, a SOLID white Border Collie does not meet the breed standard for coat color.

Random white patches on the body are permissible but should not predominate. - source: AKC Breed Standard
The American Border Collie Association registers thousands more Border Collies than the American Kennel Club every year and will NOT register dogs that have been registered previously with the AKC.

Registration with the American Kennel Club, United Kennel Club, the Kennel Club (UK), Federation Cynologique Internationale, Australian or New Zealand Kennel Clubs, or any such body will not be accepted as a basis for registration with the ABCA. source: