Bulldogs have a 30% increased risk for developing a cleft palate.

brachycephalic dogs breeds like Shih Tzus, Bulldogs, and Boxers have a 30% increased risk for developing this condition.-bulldogguide.com/cleft-palate-in-bulldogs/
The Bulldog got it's name from their connection to an old sport called bullbaiting in which dogs were pitted against bulls.

reference-AKC Bulldog Breed
Which of the following is an English Bulldog?

1. French Bulldog / 2. English Bulldog
English bulldogs have sensitive digestive systems. They tend to pass a lot of gas.

Bulldogs fart so much because they have sensitive stomachs and they do not digest food really well-Probiotics such as Ercefora or Yakult can help deal with dog gas-bulldogguide.com/my-bulldog-farts-so-much-how-to-deal-with-bulldog-farts/
According to the AKC-a Merle coat pattern meets breed standard for coat color.

The merle pattern is a disqualification.-AKC breed standard
Bulldogs generally make very good swimmeres.

Bulldogs cannot swim on their own because of the structure of their body. Big heads, round and heavy torso, and short legs – Bulldogs just aren’t made for swimming.-bulldogguide.com
English Bulldogs are easy going, affectionate and generally good with children.

English Bulldogs have the highest percentage of litters who undergo cesarean section births than any other dog breed.

Boston terriers have the highest percentage of litters who undergo C-sections at 92.3%-English Bulldogs are second at 86.1% and French Bulldogs third-81.3%-breedingbusiness.com/cesarean-sections-dog-breeds/
Despite their name-English Bulldogs were first bred in Germany.

Bulldogs ARE an English breed.
English Bulldogs have a heredity predisposition to develop a congenital condition known as Anasarca (full body edema-retention of fluids).

Anasarca is generalized congenital edema that is often lethal. The condition is transmitted hereditarily and is autosomal dominant, with a racial predisposition in French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs.-International Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences