You can tell if someone is remembering something they have seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched by the movement of their eyes.

When Remembering
1. something they saw - eyes upward
2. something they heard-to the side with head tilt
3. a feeling-down to the right
4. talking to themselves-down to the left
Magnetic Resonance Imaging brain scans (MRI) have proven that women have 14-16 areas of the brain used to evaluate others' behavior while men only have 4-6.

Most speakers use a finger pointing position when speaking because it is percived in a positive way by people in the audience.

A finger pointed position only gets a positive response rate of 28%
a palm down position gets 52% positive ratings
and palm up/exposed positon gets 82% positive responses
The Wharton study in the United States found that the retention of verbal presentations was only 10%.

the retention rate of combined verbal and visual presentations is 50%-a 400% improvement!
Which of the following is NOT one of the 8 most common lying gestures?

Research has proven that most people look away from the face of the person they are lying to.

Approximately 30% of the liars constantly looked away when they lied-the other 70% of the liars maintained strong eye contact with their victim.
Studies show that this sex initiates the first move in a relationship 90% of the time.

Studies have shown that if a woman television host wears a short dress, men will watch the programming longer but remember less of what was said.

Research has shown that women are triggered visually by a certain part of a mans' body. Which part of the body are most women attracted to?

butt wins at 40%-the remainder is split between the others
Studies done with managers who were told to lie during a series of interviews have shown that when people lie they tend to keep their feet and legs still and pointed away from the person they are lying to.

Most managers, regardless of sex, tend to move their legs and feet MORE when lying. This is often hidden by the fact that they their legs are hidden behind a desk!
Companies can increase the sale of their beauty products by using close up pictures of models and artifically enlarging their pupils.

In a direct mail campaign, Revlon increased lipsticks sales by 45% by enlarging the pupil sizes of the models in the photographs.
Research has shown that when dating a man-women are more attracted to someone who can make them laugh.

Researcher Robert Provine found that only 15% of laughter has to do with the actual jokes and much more with bonding and relationship building.

Salespeople are sometimes taught to check a customer's palms when they are talking. Exposed palms generally mean an honest response while hidden palms point to a potential lie.

According to Albert Mehrabian and Ray Birdwhistell, pioneer researchers of body language, what percent of face to face communication is NON-VERBAL?