People who poop 3 times a day have an abnormal digestive system.

Bowel patterns vary greatly depending on a person's sex, diet, age, and level of activity. There is no magic number, but you should poop anywhere from three times per day to three times per week on average.
Coffee works as a laxative by increasing the colon’s contractions.

Coffee's caffeine causes muscle contractions in the large intestine, which are comparable to those that occur after eating a meal.
The Longest Recorded Poop Was 17 Feet Long.

The record for the longest feces was 26 feet. In 1995, a woman from Ann Arbor, Michigan collaborated with nutritionists to create a world record for the longest single feces ever recorded by eating a super-fiber-rich diet. The 26-foot continuous log, was exactly the length of her colon.
Skipper Caterpillars can sling their poop up to 8 feet away in any direction to keep away predators.

According to Martha Weiss, an evolutionary faecologist at Georgetown University, skipper caterpillars actually get better at throwing their poop over time.
The Mariko Aoki Phenomenon is a condition in which the smell of books in a bookstore makes you want to poop.

Healthy individuals pass gas between 12 and 25 times a day.

The average person produces 0.6–1.8 liters of intestinal gas each day.
Mitsuyuki Ikeda is a Japanese scientist who has actually created meat from human feces.

this was a rumor that has been debunked
A Fecal Transplant is a medical procedure in which stool is taken from a healthy person and is placed in the colon of an unhealthy person.

Fecal Transplantation (Bacteriotherapy)-Fecal transplantation (or bacteriotherapy) is the transfer of stool from a healthy donor into the gastrointestinal tract for the purpose of treating recurrent C. difficile colitis.
Water Makes up About 90% of a Human Stool.

Water Makes up About 75% of Stool
Which of the following demographic passes the most gas?

There is no discernible difference in the number of farts produced by younger and older adults, according to research. Similarly, there is no discernible difference in the sexes.