Do you find yourself thinking about your ex a lot?

Were you deeply in love with your ex?

Do random places and objects remind you of your ex?

Did you and your ex have names for the children you were both going to have one day?

Do you keep pictures of your ex that you look at a lot?

When you are talking with your friends, do you constantly bring up your ex?

Do you seem to compare everyone else to your ex?

Did you and your ex have cute nicknames for each other?

Do you call your ex's phone randomly, anonymously just to hear their voice then hang up?

Do you "stalk" your ex's social media?

Are You Over Your Ex Yet?
BOOM! Strong as a LION!
Congratulations, you aced the "Are You Over Your Ex Yet?" quiz with flying colors! It seems like you have left your ex in the rearview mirror and moved on with lightning speed. Your ex must be wondering how you managed to bounce back so quickly. Maybe you've been busy crushing it at the gym or exploring new hobbies. Whatever it is, keep it up because you're doing great. There's no time to waste when it comes to moving on, and you've proven that you're a pro at it!
You are somewhere in the middle...YOLO!
Looks like someone's stuck in the "Ex-zone" limbo! You're like a boomerang that keeps coming back to its thrower. But hey, it's not your fault, right? It's hard to let go of someone who's been a part of your life for so long. Keep pushing forward and you'll get there eventually. Maybe try throwing that boomerang away next time and finding something new to throw. Good luck!
You are STUCK-but you got this!
Looks like someone took the "Are You Over Your Ex Yet?" quiz and got stuck with a result they weren't expecting or maybe you were. Don't worry, we've all been there. It's tough to let go of someone who once had a special place in your heart. But remember, dwelling on the past won't change anything. It's time to put on your big-boy/girl pants and move on! Get out there, meet new people, try new things, and before you know it, you'll be saying "Ex who?" with a big smile on your face. You got this!
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