Dog Breed Facts True or False Quiz-TRIVIA


All dog breeds have 5 "toes" this includes the dewclaw.

Correct! Wrong!

The Norwegian Lundehund, has SIX fully functioning toes and extra paw pads!

A dogs sense of taste is much less developed than a humans.

Correct! Wrong!

Dogs have approximately a sixth of the number of taste buds that humans have!

Dogs cannot see colors. They are colorblind.

Correct! Wrong!

Dogs eyes don't have receptors for the color red. They see in shades of black and white and also in shades of blue and yellow.


A dogs pawprint can be used to distinguish one dog from another-just like a human fingerprint.

Correct! Wrong!

Actually, the ridges on a dogs nose are similar to human fingerprints and can be used to identify a dog!

Dogs who have been spayed or neutered live longer than intact dogs.

Correct! Wrong!

The University of Georgia determined the average age at death for dogs that had not been spayed or neutered was 7.9 years versus 9.4 years for sterilized dogs.

Regardless of breed, all dogs have three eyelids.

Correct! Wrong!

The third eyelid also helps to protect the cornea and keeps the eyes clean.


A puppy is born blind, deaf, and toothless.

Correct! Wrong!

Their ear canals are closed and and eyelids tightly closed to protect their developing senses. Their eyes and ears will usually open at the same time-with the hearing much more developed!

Dogs sweat through the pads of their feet.

Correct! Wrong!

Dogs’ normal body temperature is slightly LOWER than humans but they heat up FASTER due to their fur.

Correct! Wrong!

Actually, the normal body temperature for dogs is around 101.5° F. Higher than a human. That's why it's important to take care on hot days!


Dogs have two tear glands in each eye, but humans only have one.

Correct! Wrong!

When a dog is overheated and actively panting, its sense of smell is increased by as much as 20%-similar to "fight or flight" in humans.

Correct! Wrong!

Actually, a dogs sense of smell is REDUCED by as much as 40 percent as it uses the air to cool itself rather than for smelling!

University of Missouri-Columbia scientists found that petting a dog can lower human blood pressure up to 10%

Correct! Wrong!

Dog Breed Facts True or False Quiz-TRIVIA
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