True/False Random Strange History Trivia Quiz


Famout painter Leonardo da Vinci invented the first underwater diving suit.

Correct! Wrong!

da Vinci invented the precursor to modern scuba equipment made from pigskin leather that was tested and worked

The Great Molasses Flood occured in Boston, Massachusetts in 1919 when a huge storage tank filled molasses burst and flooded the streets, killing more than 20 people.

Correct! Wrong!

molasses rushed through the streets at 35 mph, killing 21 and injuring 150

In the early 1900's women used radioactive cosmetics and toothpaste made with radium to improve their complexion.

Correct! Wrong!

A French company named Tho-Radia was very popular until cancer rates and radioactive poising soared!

Ramesses the Great, an ancient Egyptian pharoah fathered 140 children over his lifetime.

Correct! Wrong!

It is said that Ramesses had dozens of wives and many concubines. He fathered 80 sons and 60 daughters.


Famous writer Mark Twain was born on the day Halley's comet visited Earth. He died 75 years later on the return of Halley's comet.

Correct! Wrong!

when Twain died of a heart attack on April 21, 1910, Halley's was back, making its way past the earth for the first time in 75 years — the first time since Twain's birth

The invention of the flushing toilet was by a man named Thomas Crapper.

Correct! Wrong!

The first flushing toilet was invented 1596 by a man named Sir John Harrington.

Famous painter Vincent Van Gogh only sold one painting during his lifetime.

Correct! Wrong!

The Red Vineyard was the only painting sold by Van Gogh during his lifetime. He killed himself a few months after selling the painting to a Russian art collector.

A popular weight loss technique in the early 1900's was to eat tapeworms and their eggs.

Correct! Wrong!

They worms were sold in jars and pill form.


The founding father of the People's Republic of China was Mao Tse-tung. Which of the following was NOT outlawed under Mao.

Correct! Wrong!

In August,1943 During World War II, allied bombers destroyed the Last Supper mural painting by Italian artist Leonardo da Vinci. It had to be completely be recreated from rubble.

Correct! Wrong!

fortunately, protective sandbagging prevented the painting from being struck by bomb splinters and it survived with little damage

The element Mercury was once used as a treatment for menstral pain in women.

Correct! Wrong!

No-but at one time is was used to treat syphillis.

Franz Reichelt was an early inventor of the parachute who jumped off the Eiffel tower to test his invention. His test was a success and he survived the 187 foot jump.

Correct! Wrong!

On February 4th, 1912 Franz Reichelt jumped off the Eiffel tower and fell to his death when his parachute did not open.

True/False Random Strange History Trivia Quiz
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